My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Saturday 20 June 2015

He's Still Got It

Looking back over my blog I realized I forgot to mention the main reason we went to Ontario.  Ron had been asked to put his Pastor cap back on and perform a wedding.  The bride was a beautiful young lady that we had known from birth.  Ron had the privilege of both dedicating her and later baptizing her and now marrying her.  Her handsome groom is currently going through training to be a guard.

When Ron first became a police officer he felt like a pastor playing dress it was reversed.  It didn't take him long to get back into the swing of things.  The wedding was beautiful.  The bride was gorgeous and the groom was beaming.  Ron did a great job.  

The exciting part is that this newly married couple will be living very close to us when we move.  Actually they will be living with us until they find a place of their own.

On Sunday we headed to church and Ron was asked to sing a few songs to the delight of Sarah.
Yup, he's still got it.  PR can stand for policeman Ron or pastor Ron depending on the day, the clothes and what he is asked or required to do.

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