My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Interesting Photos

You might be sick of my canoe pictures but once again we had another perfect day.  It was so nice and warm and very little or no wind.  A perfect September day.

The sun and the wind cooperated nicely in helping me get some great reflection shots.

Did you notice it yet?  I put this picture upside that is a good reflection day.  Here is the right picture:

We canoed 11 km down to the narrows.  That is a long paddle but it was such a perfect day.
The only thing about canoeing 11 km one way is that you have to canoe 11 km back to the truck.  It's a good thing Ron doesn't mind it when I take breaks to take pictures (or whine a little bit).
We got to see a little bit of colour along the way....not like home (Ontario fall colours) but it was still pretty.

Another successful canoe trip!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I'm liking the colors in your photos. Such wonderful blue! The water looks like glass!
xo Catherine