1,577,923,200 Seconds
26,298,720 Minutes
438,312 Hours
18,263 Days
What? How did that happen?

Aren't they sweet??? By the way, I ate all the anti-aging pills and they didn't seem to work.
And I have enough Centrum Select to keep me healthy for awhile and I can now put my magnifier glass away to do the book of puzzles.
I have decided that I'm really not getting old....I am gaining experience:
4 years at being a Nanny
24 years at being a Mom
30 years at being a Wife
50 years at being a Daughter & Sister
Listening to the 60's music today!
1 comment:
Gosh...it's good to have friends that remind you of your age. LOL! Well, if you would have been here yesterday for your birthday I totally would have bought you a tea. And we would have looked young and 'hot' walking to Timmy's and would have perhaps caught the eye of a wandering stranger....straaaaanger.... ;)
Hope you had a terrific day my friend!
xo Catherine
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