My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Who doesn't like being treated with courtesy?  

One of the first things that we noticed when we moved to Saskatchewan from Ontario a few years ago (okay, maybe second...we did notice a very flat land) was that pedestrians had the right of way.  When you walk to a corner, or sometimes anywhere along the street, vehicles usually stop.  Sometimes it is almost a dangerous stop....screeching tires with the hope of not hearing metal on metal; but most make the stop and give the pedestrian the opportunity to safely walk across the street.

From the Saskatchewan Driver's Handbook:
Section 3:21 Pedestrians:
  • When approaching an intersection, you must yield the right of way to any pedestrians who are crossing the street.
  • You must stop your vehicle before the crosswalk, which will either be painted on the road or be an imaginary extension of the sidewalk.
  • If a traffic light changes while a pedestrian is in the crosswalk, the pedestrian has the right of way.
Well, why am I impressed? 
Ontario is the only province where motorists are not required to stop at pedestrian crossings.  Sometimes when I go for a walk around my old stomping grounds I have this uneasy feeling that cars may even swerve towards you just to let you know who is boss.
So for the rest of Canada....BEWARE!  It could be dangerous if you are visiting Ontario and expect the special pedestrian treatment.
BUT WAIT!  We were in Ontario visiting last month and found this sign:
Let's just say we were impressed at first.  Courtesy crossing....good idea!
This sign happens to be located right outside the emergency entrance to a very large hospital.
BUT WAIT....what does that say below the sign?
Bad news if you don't read the small print.
Good's right at the emergency entrance of the hospital!
Courtesy is always a nice thing especially when it doesn't have small print!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

What???? Oh my stars! Who even knew that - clearly I have never been to Ontario! (Well, once when I was about 6 years old.) Honestly - that seems very crazy! Can you imagine? At the hospital 'courtesy crossing', arm broken, blood pouring out of your head and cars don't stop??? Oh my gosh. Crazy!
xo Catherine