My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Sunday, 1 October 2023

Goodbyes are Done!

It’s always nice coming back to Ontario and saying hello to family and friends.  Saying goodbye is not so nice.  The difference this time is that as soon as our house sells, we will be back.  That could be in a month, few months or perhaps a whole year.  We know that it will happen sometime.

Jenn and the kids were supposed to come and visit yesterday but then Jenn got sick so our goodbyes were over the phone, texts and messaging.  Today, we went to church with mom and dad and then out for lunch with them.  With Napanee being the church that we grew up in and got married in, we were able to see lots of old friends.

We went to mom and dad’s after the restaurant and had a little visit.  

Mom pulled out a cake from the fridge and cut us each a piece.  Austin, Tina’s youngest son, had brought a cake to mom and dad’s on Friday.  It would have been Tina’s 56th birthday.  I took small bites on my piece of cake, choking back the very near tears and wishing that she would walk in the door and yell at us for eating her cake.  

When Tina first got sick I sent her a Three Sisters Willowtree ornament. Mom had brought it to her house.  I am now able to take it to mine.  

Saying goodbye is hard but making memories to take with you is a lot easier.

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