My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Abby and Emma

When we first got to Ontario we had hoped to go to Sarah’s first basketball games.  We had loved watching her play when she was with us in Pincher Creek.  Unfortunately, our time with Sarah wasn’t in the gym but rather a full day at the hospital.  It made us all sad but I told her that at least we spent the day together.

On Tuesday, we drove west to visit with some old friends.  We had supper in Trenton at one of our favourite restaurants with Dave and Cheryl.  I was pretty tired and not feeling the best but it was so good to spend a little time with my bestie.  She gave me a willowtree friendship box.  

We drove to Jenn’s from there to pick up Abby.  She spent the night at the trailer and then wanted to go for a run with Grandpa in the morning.

I walked along behind thinking that she wouldn’t make it that far but she surprised us both and then stated that she is “competitive.”  When she did stop, she walked with me to get my 10,000 steps and then wanted to go to the end of the road.  
She went over 9 kms with no complaining.  We stopped along the way to take pictures of the scenery and our time with Abby.

Ron and Abby left right after an early lunch to head to Kingston for her eye appointment.  My cold had progressed to aches and pains and so I was ordered to stay behind.  I crawled into bed for the afternoon.

Ron dropped Abby with Jenn after her appointment and came back to the trailer.

This morning I was feeling a lot better and so off we went to Brockville.  Our little car sure has been racking up the kilometres.  This time we were off to see Emma.  She was doing a cross country run.

We haven’t been in that area too much so it was nice to have a look around and we enjoyed being there to watch her run.  She looked a little nervous at the start.
It was a three kilometre run with some good hills along the way.  She arrived at the finish line breathing hard.  She did it.  
We haven’t been around too much to be able to go to these events and it was really nice to stand at the sidelines.  Hopefully soon, we will be able to take in more events like this.

We drove a different way back to the lake.  The leaves are absolutely beautiful and every corner seemed to produce a new burst of colour.  

We’ve missed fall in Ontario and so we are enjoying every beautiful autumn day.  The weather has been great and the colours spectacular.

Our time in Ontario is coming to an end with just one more weekend here.  We have seen lots of friends and family, enjoyed having Jenn and the grandkids around, had a few surprises along the way and loved being at the lake.

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