My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Friday, 11 August 2023

That’s It! That’s All!

Ron just drove out of the garage taking with him 14 plus years of his life.  Today is officially his last work day.  We packed up numerous uniform shirts, pants, coats, dress uniforms, Stetson and his tall brown boots.  They filled the car and emptied a closet plus some.  It’s a bit of a strange feeling but it is also a sigh of relief.  

That won’t be our last contact with the RCMP.  We are still waiting to hear from relocation so we will keep the communication open on our end if they ever choose to start it on theirs. 😳

The Sgt has also organized a farewell dinner.

So what do we do now?  We are continuing on with life.  Tonight we are packing up the truck and heading to Waterton to watch the night skies.  The next two nights are the peak for Meteor Showers and we will be tucked away in the back of the truck in total darkness to enjoy the show.

We may be older and retired but we are still able to enjoy life and that sounds like a pretty good retirement.

So… one Clark done with the RCMP but we are still well represented for today

And possibly the future.

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