My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Thursday, 17 August 2023


We were finally given the go ahead to list our house.  It’s always a strange feeling when it happens.  All the clutter is hidden in drawers or closets.  The regular appliances that are usually on the counter have found places in cupboards or the pantry.  Sometimes it is a bit of a scavenger hunt trying to remember where we put something.  The result is a show home.

We signed the contract with our realtor on Sunday.  On Monday afternoon, we had our first showing.  Tuesday, the rooms were photographed and the sign went up in our front yard.  It’s feeling real now.

Today, the listing went live. The routine kicks in.  Every morning the bed gets made with extra care.  The counters are cleaned off after toast and coffee.  The floors and furniture are dusted.  

We got a text today for another showing.  Dishes go in the dishwasher and everything else finds a hiding place.  Ron is good at hiding his glasses (drinking and eye). 😂

We don’t know how long the house will be on the market.  In Ontario, our home took 5 months to sell.  When we moved from Swift Current, it was only two weeks.  In Three Hills, we almost gave up hope.  It was over a year of living with things in their hiding places.  So, the waiting, cleaning, and showings begins.  It will happen when it is supposed to happen.

We will continue with our adventures here until someone falls in love with our house and then we will go on a search for our forever home.

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