My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Monday, 20 August 2018


Waiting is so hard and that is what we have been doing.  My last blog had some of our concerns that was keeping my mind busy.

  • I'm still waiting for the Loss Baggage Settlement
  • We are hoping to get the final condition waived on our house so we can put in an offer on a house here
  • Yesterday, I got a call from a Clinical Safety Leader for Patient Safety in regards to my recent surgery.  She is calling soon to discuss the mix up???
  • And I keep getting pictures of two little boys that I can't wait to meet.

  • So, here is the update for what's going on.

    Loss Luggage - the airlines and I have agreed on a settlement.  I will await the cheque in the mail.

    Clinical Safety Call - they are researching the doctor that did the surgery.  It doesn't really affect me because I feel like his mistake was a blessing to me.  By removing the full thyroid, he removed three cancer nodules.  The cancer was initially found on the left but by him going right he found two other spots.

    Twins - We are still anxious to meet the two little babies back in Three Hills...7 more sleeps

    AND... we have put in an offer on a house but there was already an offer in on it.  They have 72 hours to waive their conditions and if they don't the house will be ours.  If they's back to the real estate market for us.  Four weeks from today we will be displaced if we don't have somewhere to move into.  This is what I saw on the way home from signing the offer.
    And so we wait, but why we wait.  Ron worked overtime for the rodeo this past weekend.  I watched the parade.

     Ten more hours....

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