My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Monday, 20 March 2017

From My Perspective

I shared Haylee's amazing photos of our explorations but I thought I should add my perspective.  I was either driving or sitting in the backseat because Haylee was always given the best view so that she could truly enjoy the scenery. 
Our first couple of days was with just the girls and we enjoyed trying to catch glimpses of the mountains which mostly chose to hide behind snowy skies.
It was interesting that when we took Cheryl to Lake Louise in the summer a couple of years ago it was raining and now it was snowing.....but always beautiful.

We drove up to Sunshine Mountain to see a couple special snowboarders and stopped for another photo opportunity.

It was pretty cold but these girls were real troopers.  They bundled up and breathed in the mountain air!

Once Ron finished work early on Sunday morning we took off for a few days with him as the chauffeur.
Haylee was always ready to take pictures to remember the moment.
In Radium we found a quaint little motel that overlooked amazing views.
 This handsome guy was out on my balcony enjoying the scenery.
And right next door on the balcony was this familiar face.
When we drove north from Radium the skies seemed to open up and allow the un-forecasted snow to fall around us.
We knew that the mountains were there but they weren't providing us with beautiful views that we knew they could.

I took lots of pictures of the dog sleds when we stopped in Banff so I thought I would share one of mine since it was so exciting for me.  It is amazing to me how loud the dogs are as they anxiously wait for their musher to let them go.  As soon as they start running their focus is on their running and silence takes over.
We spent the next night back in of my favourite mountain towns.  We took a nice walk in the morning along the boardwalk.

Canmore is known for the mountain range called "The Three Sisters."
The rest of our trip was pretty much documented in my last post from Haylee's pictures.  This morning I drove the girls to the airport.  The sky was beautiful.  We saw the sunrise in the east and the mountains in the west.  We said a teary goodbye.  Special friends are a blessing to have....and it is so much fun to share so many memories together.

Now ...back to work for me tomorrow.

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