The next morning Ron left the inn and I stayed there until Ron came to meet me for lunch. It was a nice relaxing morning. After lunch I spent some time in a park.
One of the questions I asked before leaving the inn was regarding the safety of the park and was assured that it was good. I found the perfect bench located at the water edge.
And the view was beautiful |
The water was so calm |
And then....I heard noise behind me and knew that a different crowd had moved into the park. I could hear talking close by and then a local man who had a little too much to drink decided to keep me company. His first comment was "A lot of people die around here." (why didn't I run then???) He introduced himself and reached to shake my hand. I gave him a "royal" hand shake (gentle and quick). Between each story he wanted to shake my hand AND he had lots of stories like:
- he owned a gold mine that was worth 1.5 million
- he had a boat and he took people out fishing and he could take me and I could catch a 125 pound fish
- that he did deep sea fishing in the lake
- that there were sharks in the lake
- that he worked for my family
Between the stories he would tell me that I was gorgeous....and I would reply, "Yes, it is a beautiful day." All the time I was hoping for Ron to return. My chest was getting tight with anxiety and I was surveying my surroundings trying to figure out the best way to get away without having to walk past him or by the other group that had arrived with him and had moved a little further down the park. I held my cell phone tight in my hand but not knowing who to call.
I tried another approach by telling him that I was here to read and was waiting for my husband, hoping that he would get bored and move on. He seemed to be thinking about this and reached to shake my hand again. I thought this time it would be a good bye shake and so I did the royal handshake again. He closed his other hand over mine and pulled my hand up to kiss it. Thankfully I was able to pull my hand away and he kissed his own hand. By now I was hardly breathing. I needed to get away before my legs shook too much and I wouldn't be able to run. He stood and walked behind the bench. I am not sure if he was looking for his group, checking out the park or wondering if indeed I had a husband that would arrive soon. I quickly stuffed my few belongings in my backpack and scooted around the bench and ran/walked to the parking lot. He hollered after me "God bless you." and at that moment I felt He had because He had let me get away. I once again found refuge at the inn and waited until Ron picked me up.
If there ever is a next time for an experience like this I will know to get away faster...definitely a learning experience!
Yikes - that is a bit scary!!
LOVE your bench picture....i'm a big fan of BENCHES!
And as discussed during our tea and chat...sitting on the left is never a good decision. ;)
xo Catherine
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