We've had a canoe for over 20 years and when we lived in Ontario near a lake we use to put the kids in the middle and head all over the lake. Then we moved away from the lake and the canoe sat in the backyard for close to 10 years. After leaving there we moved to southern Saskatchewan....not a lot of canoe routes close by so it sat for another 4 years.
But now....so many lakes to explore and Deschambault is one great big huge one. We live at the end of the 911 road and so we took two full days to explore a little bit of Deschambault Lake.
First we launched from Bloomfields (southwest of us). Ballantyne Bay is very big with islands throughout it. The shoreline displayed trees and sandy beaches.
And perfect places for a picnic lunch: |
How cool is this! |
And on the way back we found raspberries and blueberries.
The next day we launched from the Northern Lights Resort (on the east side of Deschambault Lake) and we discovered a whole new shoreline.
Notice I caught Ron's cast in the picture. |
Another great place for lunch.
And more blueberries at our snack area. |
We are so enjoying our canoe days!
Well it's looking like your canoe is getting a very good work out!! And fresh blueberries and raspberries - yum!!!
Have a terrific weekend my friend!
xo Catherine
Now that Looks Like a LOT OF FUN!
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