My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Another Week

It’s amazing to me how quickly a week goes by even when you don’t have a work schedule. 

On Monday, we took our snow shoes and went to the pass.

 It was a beautiful day and it was really nice walking through the woods.

Tuesday was a bit or a recovery day but we did have a job that we needed to do.  Our local post office put in new boxes and everyone has to go and get their new key.  This means that the lineups have been pretty long.  It actually becomes a time for people to visit.  After an hour of inching forward, we were rewarded with our key and mail.  In the evening, ghosts and goblins knocked on our door and we ran out of candy after about 90 kids.

Yesterday, we went to Calgary to take my ring to have a new stone put in.  We enjoyed a dinner at The Keg.  Sooo good!  

We did a little shopping after lunch and Ron got new golf clubs.  He will be anxious to use them in the spring.

Today, we both had massages.  Ron went for a swim and I did a little housecleaning.

Tomorrow morning will be a full on cleaning spree because we have two showings in the afternoon. 🏠

Happy November!

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