My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023


Yesterday we had a little visit with Ontario.  Haylee and Josiah had been living in Trail for the past two years.  Whenever we would go that way, we would stop and have a little visit.  

Haylee is the daughter of one of my “kindred spirit” friends.

Yesterday, they started their journey back to live in Ontario.  Her dad and brother had flown out to help with the move.  They stopped in Pincher to gas up and have lunch.  It was so nice to see them.

Penelope, the cat wasn’t too sure about this move but she was on her way to a new adventure.

When we said goodbye we told them we would see them in Ontario.  Saying those words caused a little change in me.  I enjoy the area here but when you know there is a next step coming, you just want to see the process started.  Ron started the retirement process in January.  We were told that we would be contacted in June.  It is now past the middle of July and still no word. 

And so, we WAIT!

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