My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Sunday, 29 September 2019


This month has flown by!  It's hard to believe that September has come and is almost gone.  Work has been super busy with lots of training both in Pincher Creek and in Lethbridge.  I'm starting to catch on to things but there are so much more to learn.
Early in September, we took a weekend break and went to visit our son and take in some horse jumping at the Masters.

The second weekend in September Ron and I headed to Montana to Many Glaciers to hike to Iceberg Lake.  It was a little cool, windy with a bit of rain but it was a nice hike.
It was about a 15 km hike and it was very beautiful along the way and the best thing was to have a day with my hubby.
The destination was a beautiful lake.  We had lunch there and made our way back.  It was a nice day.
The weeks are busy and then the weekend comes and Ron and I have been able to enjoy most of the weekends this month.  Our next weekend, we did a drive down the Crowsnest Pass and stopped to walk through Leitch Collieries.
We also decided to do a little hike.

This past week, was my birthday.  Ron spoiled me by bringing me flowers, donuts for the office, a tea and a chocolate bar.  (I think that means a little more walking!)

That night we went out for sushi to top off my special day.
So it's been a busy month with work, weekend exploring and a birthday.  This weekend Ron had to work nights and it has snowed and snowed.  It seems be the storm of the year already.  We got almost 100 cm of snow with drifts that are right up to my back window.  I just got a message from the school that tomorrow is a SNOW DAY!  If you are going to have this much snow in September at least I get a day off for it!
 I'm not sure whether or not to decorate for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

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