This past week Ron only had 3 days off and so we had to plan wisely on how to use those days. On Wednesday, we headed south to Montana. Along the way to the border, we spotted this guy having his breakfast in the ditch.
Only 1.5 hours from home, we were at the Going to the Sun road in Glacier National Park. Our first plan was to bike a few kilometers along the road. This is one of the most spectacular roads and it isn't completely open yet due to them still clearing snow in the high parts.
It was a little windy and cool when we started but the road was not nearly as hilly as our time in Waterton last week.
The views, as always, are so beautiful. It soon warmed up to be a perfect riding temperature and I was pleasantly surprised at my stamina.
We rode for just over 14 km and then turned around. It had been a gradual up hill and so turning around with the wind on our back, it was smooth sailing.
After 29 km on the bike, we drove back up the road in the truck as far as we were allowed. On our way back down we stopped at the trail head for a hike to some falls. This is the view from where we parked. We didn't realize that we would be walking to the falls in the picture.
The hike was well travelled and quite easy but still enough work after a good bike ride.
This was such a pretty walk and the perfect time of year to walk it. Later in the season, the parking lots would be packed and the trails crowded. We first came to St. Mary's Falls.
It was beautiful and if that had of been the end of the trail, it would have been worth it but there was more to see. We came to two other beautiful falls which I found out later that were nameless and were only on the way but not the destination.
When we arrived at the Virginia Falls it was pounding with the spring run off. It is about 50 feet high and the spray was pretty strong.
We walked up to a viewpoint and Ron walked over to look down but I stayed safely away.
On our way back down we came around a corner and saw that everyone had stopped. Immediately, we thought it must be a bear and we were looking for a place to get out of the way BUT nope, it was a deer on the trail and people didn't know what to do. My mountain man slapped his walking sticks together and marched on, with me following and smiling.
It was a productive day of exercise. The next morning, we got on the motorcycle and headed down the Crowsnest pass. We stopped for tea and a snack in Blairmore and then arrived in Fernie, BC before lunch. We decided to do a little hike to Fairy Creek Falls. My legs were a little stiff from yesterday but slowly I made my way, following Ron's untiring lead.
There were some steep parts when we got close to the falls and I had to take my time going down.
At the bottom of the falls, I took advantage of a little bench to rest and enjoy, once again, another beautiful falls.
Ron and I remember that when we were in Hawaii how I was always looking for falls. It's kind of my thing, and we had seen 5 falls in two days just a few hours from our house.
Fairly Creek Falls |
After our little hike we rewarded ourselves with a nice lunch before hopping back on the motorcycle.
On Ron's last day off I slept in and then went back to bed for just a little 4 hour nap. My body needs catch up days after such full ones but I sure enjoy it when I have the energy to half keep up with Ron.
In two weeks I will need the energy to keep up with 3 more!