My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Bentley Boy

It was early 2014 that we first heard that our son got a Bentley...not the car kind.  He was a little puppy that was left in a box in a parking lot and he won our son's heart.  Curley, his other dog was a small dog and was getting quite old.  The two dogs took to each other.  Bentley was a real comfort when Curley passed away.

Throughout that first year, Bentley destroyed cages, tore up anything that was left for him to wreck and had more energy than you could imagine.  I didn't get to meet him until May 2015 when we made our trip from the Yukon to Alberta.
By this time, Tanker had come to live with our son.  Tanker has his own story.  Bentley and Tanker trained each other.  Tanker settled Bentley down and Bentley taught Tanker how to play and enjoy being a pet.

Bentley could make you smile but he sure knew how to get into things.
He was well disciplined and became a very good dog but he still could get into things that made you wonder how he did that.  About a year ago, I had made a turkey casserole and covered it and put it at the back of the stove.  Somehow, he uncovered it, ate most of it without breaking the dish or moving it off of the stove.  There was a gluten-free one on the stove as well, but that wasn't touched.  Apparently, he was not into the gluten-free diet.
We have enjoyed so many adventures through the past few years ....hiking and skiing.

Whatever, Bentley did he went full out.  He ran fast, he played hard and he loved life. 

Our hearts were heavy last year when we heard that Bentley had lymphoma.  Our son, bit the bullet and pulled out his wallet to pay for six months of chemo.  We were all hopeful.  He went through the process so well and looked so healthy.
It wasn't long after the treatments that the lumps came back.  In October, the vet gave him two months to live.  Christmas came and Bentley was so healthy and strong looking.
On "our" Christmas morning, it seemed to be taking too long to wait to open the gifts.  Bentley was trying to be patient.
I went downstairs to check on something and he followed me down with one of his treats from his Christmas stocking.  He tried not to look too guilty and really, he just looked cute.
He made it through January and then February came and the disease took over.  The phone call came that we dreaded.  It was time to say goodbye.
The mood in the house was sad when we got there and Tanker got lots of hugs.  The next day, we went skiing.  Tanker pulled his weight but I am sure that he missed his partner and we, for sure. missed seeing him there.

Bentley Boy is and will be missed.  He was a loyal, loving pup.  He made his way into our hearts and his absence has left a huge hole.  I know that the days will come when his memory will make us smile more than cry but right now the tears are way too close.  My heart is heavy for his absence and for my boy who grieves for the loss of this special boy.
Bentley 2014-2019
4.5 Years of Smiles

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