My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

December News

When Cheryl left on the 2nd of December I spent the day with our son.
Ron left for Edmonton but I was well looked after by my son who has learned to make delicious meals.
I then went to Three Hills to work for a few days.  It was great to set up shop in my old office and see my friends there.
One of the evenings, I spent with Marion who had me for a delicious dinner and an evening of tea and talking.  The next evening, I went to Emma's (my boss) and we cooked a dinner for the next year's team of travellers.

It was a great evening of food, fun and fellowship.  On Wednesday, I left for Pincher Creek.  It was a long, quiet trip home and it sure was nice to get home but Ron was still away.  On Thursday evening, Ron arrived home.  The next morning, he left for Ontario.  On Saturday, Ron went shopping with Jenn and the kids.
On Sunday, he went to the kids' Church Christmas concert.  I got to see pictures and videos.
While Ron was away, Bruce and Lynne stopped in for tea.  It was so nice to see our good friends from Swift Current.
On Monday, Ron picked up his mom and they arrived in Pincher Creek in the evening.  So Donna has been with us for just over a week.  We have had a few outings, tea and treat times and yes, she likes Christmas movies!  On Monday, we went to Frank and while Ron and his mom went through the museum, I went for a walk through the trails.
Today, Ron and I started off our day with a windy walk. There are lots of deer around the town.
I had a physio appointment for my jaw which has caused me issues for the last 4 months.  Donna had a hair appointment and Ron and I had a nice tea time.
We will celebrate our Christmas later this year due to the boys' schedule and I am sure there will be lots of games of pool and darts.   Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from my tea cup to yours!

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