My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Made It Through The Year

Graduation at Prairie took place on Saturday.  When I started at the college in August I had hoped to make it through the year before we moved.  I just wanted to see it to completion.  One of my main responsibilities is to support the teams that are sent out from the school on mission trips.  The groups that I was closely connected to were the GlobeTREKkers and the Discovers.

The GlobeTREK team left in September from Calgary.
They have travelled through many countries and have encountered many new experiences.  For two months they travelled together and then split up for their six month internships.

In January, the Discovers flew to Germany.  They spent a few days in Germany and a week in South Africa before spending most of their six weeks in Mozambique.
I was always relieved when I would get notification that the groups were in the right place at the right time.

Discovers in Mozambique
GlobeTREK finishing up in Cairo
On Saturday we had the celebration for the Discovers.  It was great hearing their stories and listening to how they had grown while traveling.
Following their celebration they went to their graduation and received their one year certificates.  I sat at home and watched the ceremony online.
On Friday night the GlobeTREKkers arrived back in Canada.  I haven't really seen this group much but I felt like I knew them quite well through emails, facebook messages, expense reports and travel arrangements made.  Today they were having their debriefing and so I packed up my basket of goodies and arrived to have lunch with them.
Even though they should be still experiencing jet leg they were all looking chipper and busy in the kitchen preparing lunch.
It has been an interesting year to watch them travel via facebook and hear about their experiences through their monthly reports.  It was nice to see them back on Canadian soil and I was glad to hear that all the arrangements that I had worked on got them to where they were supposed to be.
Tomorrow I will go back to work knowing that there are other students soon leaving the college on trips.  I will be watching flights, checking itineraries and praying that they all get to where they are supposed to be. 

So I got to see the year to I'm ready for a move.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


Life at work has been busy with the end of the school year approaching this weekend.  Grad events are being planned and lots of activities are going on.  It brings me back to 8 years ago when our family travelled to Regina to celebrate Ron's graduation from depot. 
It hardly seems like it was that long ago but since then so much has happened.  We have moved to three postings and still waiting word for number four.  It certainly has been a journey with still more roads to travel.

This month we were also celebrating the Leafs making it to the playoffs.  They fought a good fight but were taken out in the first round but it was still fun to watch.  We will be looking forward to next year when they can make it further.
The longer days have been wonderful and you would almost think it was Spring.  It says it on the calendar but then again this is what my deck looked like this week.
Ron used it as another training moment for his trainee.  Rookies get to clean off the vehicle especially if they are living at your house.
Our house guest will be moving out tonight.  He will be starting is own life here in the town and our bedrooms will remain empty for awhile but always ready for anyone who wants to come and visit.

Update on my appointment with the Endocrinologist....follow closely, you can get lost in this.  So Dr. 1 (GP) requested an ultrasound on my neck and then referred me to Dr. 2 (ENT).  Dr. 2 did a scope and referred me to Dr. 3 (Endocrinologist) who did a biopsy and ordered more extensive blood work.  Results went back to Dr. 1 & Dr. 2 who didn't call me back.  I finally called Dr. 2 who said that they had emailed me (didn't get it). They set up an appointment for me to come in.  I called Dr. 3 to get the results for my blood work.  That is when I found out that I had the Hashimotos disease.  Dr. 2 confirmed this at my appointment and referred me to Dr. 4.  Dr. 4 wasn't taking patients until July.  When I called back to Dr. 3's office they reluctantly gave me the Central Booking number for Endocrinologists to see if I could get in earlier with another doctor.  I got an appointment with Dr. 5 for May 10th.  I sure hope this doctor will do something and my referring days will be over!

I am also hoping that the snow will stop coming and I can sit on my deck and enjoy some sunshine before we hear about our next move.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Catch Up Time

I recently received an email from a dear friend.  It was short and sweet...okay maybe not really that sweet.

"We are disappointed over the lack of blog lately.  It's been a whole month since you have put anything on.  We live vicariously through you."

I was a little flattered to know that someone actually is reading my blog so I thought I should do an update.

So what has been happening this last month?  After Cheryl and Haylee left life seemed to slip into some normality...wait a life is never really that normal.

Ron hurt his back again and was off a week and then when he went back to work he started training a new member fresh out of depot.  They spent one lunch hour at the church that we attend serving tacos to the students of our town.
This new member didn't have a place to live so he is staying with us right now until he moves into his apartment in May.  He is a perfect house guest and since they work on the same schedule it works well.

We were thrilled to have a visit from some of our Deschambault Lake family.  Dan, Tiffany and Copper came for a short stay but it was such a thrill to have them.

We had cinnamon buns, a steak dinner and of course, a couple of games of Catan.  Dan and I each won.  The next morning they left for Edmonton and I went to a specialist in Calgary.

Soooo...a few years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  I have been on medication for that but I noticed that things just weren't right so I asked my family doctor about it in the fall.  She sent me for an ultrasound on my throat.  Something showed up.  I was referred to an ENT who did a scope and referred me to an Endocrinologist who requested thorough blood work and did a biopsy on my thyroid.  I then went back to the ENT who is referring me to another endocrinologist as I need to have my medication regulated and whatever else they need to do as I have Hashimotos disease.
 So I am waiting to hear back for when that appointment will be. 

On Friday, I made an Easter dinner for Ron, John (the new member), and Andrew and Brianne (our wonderful Three Hills' kids). 

Richelle and I went to church Sunday morning.

Easter brought snow but fortunately it didn't last too long and we were able to take the dogs to the dog park.

Oh, one more hubby has been applying to some corporal positions and so we will wait and see what is next in our lives. 
Doesn't he look scary!  This picture was taken by a student in the Digital Media at the college where I work.

So Bruce and Lynne, there you have now know what the last month was like BUT if you really wanted to know what was going on with us you could have come to visit!!!!