You see it just happened that Ron had to be a way for training all week and so I took Tuesday afternoon off and Brianne and I headed to Calgary. We shopped hard and I came home with two new pair of boots and a FEW other fall items.
I was pleased with my purchases but of course the rest of this week has been pretty warm so I haven't had them out to wear yet.
I'm glad that today is Friday and I took the day off to catch up on things around the house and I'm excited because soon Ron will be home and then we have a long weekend to plan to do something or nothing at all.
Things have been going well at work. I'm starting to feel like I am figuring out what I should be doing and this week I was the "star" on their facebook page. I guess I really do belong when you make it there.
Yes, here I am sitting in my little office trying to smile naturally. I love their flexibility so that Ron and I can spend time together when he isn't working and it's always nice to get paid to go to chapel and prayer. I use to do that for free!
And now onto September birthdays:
Both Emma and Jacob have birthdays this month. Emma turned 5 last Saturday and Jacob will be turning 4 tomorrow. Big school kids!
And we had a celebration for Andrew last weekend who turned a little bit older but would still like to play on the playground equipment.
And oh yes, there is another September birthday coming and we have plans but that's a whole other blog.
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