My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Fabulous Fernie

Fernie, British Columbia is a beautiful little mountain town.  When you go for a walk it's hard not to just keep looking up at the spectacular views surrounding you.  Of course, walking is a little harder because it seems you are usually walking up hill.  When we arrived on Monday we went for a walk around the ski area.

On Tuesday morning we went for another walk around the beautiful homes at the base of the mountain.  Later we took a drive to see some of the little towns surrounding Fernie.  Mining is a huge part of life here.

Wednesday we took the dogs and found a place to hike through snow covered trails.  
The dogs loved exploring ahead of us, behind us and all around us.  

They used up lots of energy and so did I with a lot less straying from the path although our guide did do a little off the trail excursion.

Once we got back to the condo there was a fight for the couch.

Yesterday we came home and we had a couple of hitch hikers to drop off on the way.

They are good little travellers.  They never asked "how much further."  Now Ron is back to work and I have the laundry caught up and it's time to think about supper.  Fabulous Fernie is behind us and now I should check out some motorcycle trips.  So many paved roads to explore!

Friday, 11 March 2016

Saskatchewan Has It Right

For most of our lives we lived in Ontario and it was normal to "spring ahead" and "fall back" each year. It meant that you lose an hour in the Spring and gained it back in the Fall.  It really never made sense to me.  It definitely knocked your internal clock out of whack for a week or so and especially so when you had little ones.

Then we moved to Saskatchewan.  No changing clocks there and it made sense.  It made me wonder why the rest of the country didn't join in with the idea.  So for six years we only had to change our clocks after a power outage or when we travelled.
Then last year we moved to Alberta.  This province is not a rebel province like Saskatchewan.  They do the change of the clock thing. So on Saturday night I will lose an hour sleep and take an extra hour to change all the clocks.  
 After living for six years without losing or gaining that hour it makes even more sense to set your clocks and leave them there.  Saskatchewan, you've got it right!

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Hello Spring!

Okay so it might not be technically Spring yet but it sure felt like it today and we made use of this beautiful day.  We started out with a nice walk in out light jackets and it soon became too warm for even them.  After lunch Ron washed the truck in the driveway and had it shining.  When I finished cleaning the house I pulled the lawn chairs out of the shed and sat on the deck with my kobo and a cup of tea.

And then...we took this out for a little ride.
Looking forward to lots more days of deck sitting and bike riding!

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

In Like A Lamb

The first day of March has arrived and it has come in like a lamb.  The sun is shining and the temperature is on the plus side.
There is still snow on the ground but there is the promise of some warmer weather through the week.  My chairs on the deck are trying to call me out but it is still a little too chilly for that.  Although last week Ron and I did sit out there and it was quite nice with the sun beaming down on us.

For now I will enjoy my living room soaking up the sun on my couch.
The only bad thing about March coming in like a lamb is the possibility of it going out like a lion.  Oh well, we have 30 days to prepare for that.

Happy March!