My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

A Quarter of a Century

Today my baby turns 25!  It is so hard to believe that our little boy has grown up.  He has had a busy year.  He started the year living in the Yukon and ended up moving south to his dream job.  He bought a house and his little family of 2 dogs and a cat keep him busy.  The most exciting thing about today is having him home with us to celebrate this special day with him.  We have so enjoyed being closer to him and being able to spend time with him every couple of weeks.

I thought I should share a few pictures from years gone by of our little boy.
One of our special spots in Sharbot Lake Provincial Park
Fishing with Papa
Christmas 1993 with gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Clark
On the backyard rink in Frankford
Yup, he's all grown up now....but he will always be my special baby boy! 

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday to your baby boy!! Mine turned 25 on the 14th.

Happy New Year my friend!!
xo Catherine