My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Catching Up

So the last few months have flown by and sometimes I have to be reminded of where we are and what my phone number is.  I hope to spend the next few evenings trying to catch up with all the events while I spend the week at a hotel.

Why at a hotel?  Well, it is time for me to go back to work.  I will be in Red Deer for a week and a half to train.  So my days of semi-retirement and full time nanny have come to an end.  It is time to get back into the working world again.

But first lets just go back a few months.  In March we thought that we were staying another year in Deschambault Lake.  Our medicals were done and even I passed the psych assessment and changed.  Ron got a transfer to Alberta.

In May we went to Three Hills and purchased a house and then I flew to the Yukon.  I met up with Stephen for a trip south.
At the end of May, Ron and I flew to Ontario where he performed a wedding for a beautiful couple who happen to be moving out west in a few months.

The first week of June we flew back home, bringing along two sweet little visitors.
Emma and Jacob spent four weeks with us.  During this time we dealt with a very smoky Saskatchewan.  Our house was packed up and we travelled to Alberta.  Jenn flew out to pick up these two munchkins and left Sarah with us for the next five weeks.
We had lots of fun with our precious granddaughter.  During her time with us we had the newly married couple from Ontario move in with us and a dear friend of mine come to visit for ten days.  When she left, she took Sarah back home with her.  That was yesterday.  Now I am in Red Deer.  Tomorrow I will be off to learn my new job. 

So....that's it in a short little blog.  I will try and fill in the blanks over the next few days.  So for now...wish me luck.  They might ask for my phone number tomorrow.

1 comment:

Candice said...

Penny, we are in red deer for the next few days. If you have free time, email me, and maybe we could meet at a park. If it works to connect, that would be great.