My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Busy In My Mind

For the past year or more life has been pretty slow around here but all of the sudden life has sped up.

Yesterday morning I was getting messages from Jenn with her mind racing with wedding much to do:  places to book, colours to pick, special people to choose.  

Next I got a phone call from Three Hills.  I had sent off an application for a job opportunity and they called me to set up an interview for when I get there.

Then Ron went to work and found out that we have a date booked for the first week of May to go house hunting.  It's about to get real around here.

Up north Stephen went to his farewell party for his work last night.  Now, if he could just hear about when he is starting his training we could really get this show on the road.

Yup, life has sped up around least in my mind.

My latest project sent off to my sister....who I will be 9 hours away from!

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