Twenty four years ago this evening our little family of three rounded off to four. Stephen Ronald Andrew Clark was born at 9:25 p.m. in Kingston, Ontario in the middle of an ice storm almost two weeks early. He had a stormy start with breathing problems and a diagnosis of meningitis. There was lots of prayers offered and finally on his due date he was released from the hospital with no complications. He won our hearts over like all babies do.
Stephen always had that smile that could melt people and especially his mom. He loved animals and he was my constant little shadow. He always seemed so shy but yet was determined to work through that shyness and accomplish big things. When he went off to college he never looked back from his goal of joining a police force (which he is still working on). His determination inspires me. He moved to Calgary and then from there unto the Yukon. He loves adventures and sometimes it makes my heart stop when I hear of his stunts.
I'll always need my son no matter what age I am.
My son has made me laugh
...made me proud
...made me cry
...hugged me tight
...seen me fall
...cheered me up
...kept me strong
...and driven me crazy at times!
But my son is a promise from God that I will have a friend forever!
Stephen's has added to his own family by adopting two dogs and a cat. I think he would have a farm of animals if he could.
Tank and Bentley |
I haven't seen Stephen in over a year (in person) and I miss him so much. He is off snowboarding today in Whitehorse and enjoying his birthday with friends. I will look forward to the next time that we are together so I can make all his favourite things....cherry cheese cake, blueberry and pumpkin pie, chicken parmesan and anything else his little heart desires. I like to spoil!
In the words of Robert Munsch:
“I’ll love you forever,
I’ll like you for always,
as long as I’m living
my baby you’ll be.”
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!