My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Emma

Three years ago today I was extremely tired...because the night before I got called by Jenn and off we went to the hospital.  Three hours after we arrived at the hospital I was introduced to Emma Marie, our second granddaughter.  It was exciting to take Sarah to see her new baby sister.
Emma had the same light complexion as her beautiful big sister.  Of course she won my heart immediately and Grandpa too.  So tiny and sweet.
As Emma grew we started to see her personality develop.  She was a happy, cuddly little one.  If she hadn't already won my heart she would have at this point.  Her bright eyes and wonderful smile would make anybody just want to hug her.
This summer we had the blessing of having Emma with us all summer and we really got to know her personality.  And oh...what a personality.  Emma is a goer.  She wakes up in the morning with a little bit of cuddly time.  Once that passes she gets moving and moving she does.  Recently she was asked her name and she responded with "Emma, ram rod."  That was one of our nicknames for her this summer. There are many reasons for that nickname.  I have a dented lampshade and a broken lamp as evidence.  She has so much energy and I miss that energy this morning as I type.  Another name we gave her was "Fingers Clark."  She liked to touch everything.  The speakers in the house got turned up and down a lot over the summer.  Her blue grass station got added more than once on the truck favourites when she let her fingers do the walking.  She even changed our desk top image on the computer.  She heard more than once, "Emma, don't touch."

Emma cemented her place in our hearts this summer.  She is such a sweetheart.
And anything her big sister can do, she wants to give it a try.  If Sarah can canoe with Grandpa, so can Emma.  It is so cute hearing her ask.  "Can Emma have a turn now?"

Emma's favourite movie is Snow White and she would sing throughout the day, "Some day Emma's prince will come."  When we took the girls back to Ontario I bought Emma a Snow White doll and then ordered the prince to arrive as a birthday gift.  So hopefully when she opens her parcel she will be able to sing, "Today Emma's prince arrived."
Happy Birthday Special Three Year you lots!

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