I'm not sure who had more fun. When Jacob laid down for a nap we took the girls for a walk down to Springside Park in Napanee. This is a spot where Ron and I had our wedding pictures taken 31 years ago and it is always a favourite place to walk. The falls were roaring at this time of year.

It is quiet day here...no kids, Ron is in training all day and won't even be home for lunch. I did my exercise on the treadmill, threw in some laundry and sat down to update my blog before starting my school work AND then I heard the noise. Just like a kid I get so excited. I grabbed my camera and changed the lens. I pulled up blinds and opened the door. I grabbed the ipad to get a video. It's court day in DL and the court party is arriving!
It doesn't take much apparently to make my day because I always find it exciting to watch the helicopters or planes arrive in our little world.
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