My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Think Warm Thoughts

It's another snowy day.  It kind of looks like we are living in a snow globe. 
Cooler air is moving in again.

It's time to think warm thoughts. 
I made it through the week with Ron being gone and now he's back home and I'm so happy about that!
Isn't that a warm and fuzzy thought?
My plant is blooming.
Isn't that a promise that spring will come again?
Hot, homemade lasagna for supper.
A little something to warm the tummy.
Warm thoughts are headed your way too.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

So glad your sweetie made it home safe and sound and that you were a brave girl and made it through the whole week. ;)
Your flower is beautiful and your lasagna looks yummy!
xo Catherine