My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


But first a little history about the RCMP:
Early role, 1874-1905
  • general law enforcement detachments were established throughout the prairies and a patrol system instituted in order to police effectively the entire region
  • established friendly relations with the First Nations, contained the whisky trade and enforced prohibition, supervised treaties between First Nations and the federal government
  • assisted the settlement process by ensuring the welfare of immigrants, fighting prairie fires, disease and destitution
Expansion and Reorganization, 1895-1920
  • Mounted Police jurisdiction extended to the Yukon in 1895 and to the Arctic coast in 1903
  • Royal Northwest Mounted Police (RNWMP) contracted to police the new provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan in 1905
  • Mounted Police responsibilities extended to northern Manitoba in 1912
  • in 1920, federal policing is reorganized, the RNWMP absorb the Dominion Police and become the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); responsibility for federal law enforcement extended to all provinces and territories
Development of the RCMP, 1920-1994
  • detachments established in the eastern and high Arctic in the 1920s to protect Canadian sovereignty in the region
  • provincial policing responsibilities assumed in Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, 1932
Information taken from:

The RCMP have many responsibilities and are stationed all over Canada.  I often think about what it would been like back in the early days being posted in a remote area where it could take months to get a letter in and out to your family.  Although back then many members were single men who did the remote destinations. 

I sometimes feel a little isolated but am so thankful for the modern times where I can be in touch through emails and phone calls from my family and friends.  I enjoy going on Facebook and seeing what other people are doing.  I can work and study from home due to the internet.  It really makes an isolated post much easier.  And mail may take a little longer but look what I received in the mail:

Homemade warm socks to keep my feet extra warm, a yummy smelling candle and of course all the information that I will ever need to know about Saskatchewan like:
  • Saskatchewan is the driest province in Canada and dry cold is different (people, cold is cold).
  • In 1914 Saskatchewan tried Daylight Savings Time and abandoned it weeks later (good choice!)
  • You can tell people from Saskatchewan.  When the wind stops blowing, they fall over. (I can relate.)
  • If you have more hours on your snow blower than kilometres on your truck odometer, you live in Saskatchewan.  (So true!)
  • And that my favourite Leaf Player is from Saskatchewan ...Wendel Clark.  (And it is about more than just his last name)
Isolated?  Maybe, but not really so far from everyone....only a phone call, email or stamp away.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hmmm....or Skype. or either? Perhaps we should have a techi-tea date on Monday. Oh yes. I am looking forward to it.

Hope you got lots of shopping done yesterday and today.

Talk to you Monday! :)

xo Catherine