My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Year!

2014 has been interesting.  It included a cruise, a Human Resource Management Certificate, a two month visit with Sarah and Emma, a trip to Swift Current, lots of cross country skiing and canoeing and lots of other interesting life experiences.

Tonight as the sun sets on another year I sit alone since Ron is off to work and I wonder what 2015 will bring.
Well I know a few things...a cruise in February and news from staffing for our next move and as for all the other things stayed tuned and I will keep you posted right here.

I know that I will be up at midnight because the new year comes in here with shots and fireworks.
Happy New Year!

Monday, 29 December 2014

Love You Forever

Twenty four years ago this evening our little family of three rounded off to four.  Stephen Ronald Andrew Clark was born at 9:25 p.m. in Kingston, Ontario in the middle of an ice storm almost two weeks early.  He had a stormy start with breathing problems and a diagnosis of meningitis.  There was lots of prayers offered and finally on his due date he was released from the hospital with no complications.  He won our hearts over like all babies do.

Stephen always had that smile that could melt people and especially his mom.  He loved animals and he was my constant little shadow.  He always seemed so shy but yet was determined to work through that shyness and accomplish big things.  When he went off to college he never looked back from his goal of joining a police force (which he is still working on).  His determination inspires me.  He moved to Calgary and then from there unto the Yukon.  He loves adventures and sometimes it makes my heart stop when I hear of his stunts.
I'll always need my son no matter what age I am. 
My son has made me laugh
...made me proud
...made me cry
...hugged me tight
...seen me fall
...cheered me up
...kept me strong
...and driven me crazy at times!
  But my son is a promise from God that I will have a friend forever!
Stephen's has added to his own family by adopting two dogs and a cat.  I think he would have a farm of animals if he could.
Tank and Bentley
I haven't seen Stephen in over a year (in person) and I miss him so much.  He is off snowboarding today in Whitehorse and enjoying his birthday with friends.  I will look forward to the next time that we are together so I can make all his favourite things....cherry cheese cake, blueberry and pumpkin pie, chicken parmesan and anything else his little heart desires.  I like to spoil!

In the words of Robert Munsch:
“I’ll love you forever,
I’ll like you for always,
as long as I’m living
my baby you’ll be.”
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Friday, 26 December 2014

All Done!

Christmas Day has come and gone again for another year.  As we read my journal we realized that so many things have changed.  Our family is spread out across Canada.  We don't have those wonderful family dinners any more.  Our memories, our love and our phone keeps us in touch with what we once had and hope to have in the future.  Jenn was busy with her growing family.  Stephen was working but managed to have a Christmas dinner with some new friends and we celebrated with Ron's two partners.  You learn to make the best of it because there is no sense in crying about something that you can't change.

As I sat here looking at the tree (which by the way will be up for at least one more week) I noticed that something that hasn't changed in 31 years.
One ornament that has been constant.  Ron and I have been together for every Christmas even when he was at Depot and we had tv Turkey dinners in the hotel room.
So now we wait to see where we will spend next Christmas.  Happy Boxing Day!

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Christmas Eve

In the past this day was filled with anticipation of visits from family and the eagerness of Jenn and Stephen wanting to open that one Christmas Eve present.  We would then play games and eat chips and dip until we coaxed the kids to bed.  Ron and I would wait until both kids were sound asleep and then surround the tree with gifts that would stretch across the floor.  Stuffed stockings were placed on the presents to be the first thing to open on Christmas morning.  Ron and I would go to bed almost as excited as Jenn and Stephen waiting for their reaction.
The view from my back door this morning....yes, it is a white Christmas here.
This Christmas Eve is different.  No family visiting.  No children.  No gifts under the tree (well, maybe a few!)  Ron has already been called into work and he works tonight BUT.....the "boys" are making pizza tonight and I will make a dessert pizza.  We will try to get in a game of Risk.  (Usually it is Catan, but I have been winning too much lately so they wanted to change it up!). It will be a good evening.  The boys brought us a centrepiece yesterday and it brightened my day and my table.
Yes years go by, traditions change, life continues to happen but I will never stop missing my kids.  
They are always in my heart and I miss them in our home....maybe next year.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Days Away

We are back home after enjoying a few days away.  After staying one night in Saskatoon we travelled to Swift Current.  We enjoyed the convenience of picking up coffee and tea to deliver to the detachment where Ron worked.

That evening we went to McDonald's to visit with some great friends from the church.  Oh how I have missed chatting with ladies.  It was great catching up with these wonderful friends.  The next day I went for tea with my work friends.  It was so nice seeing them but it was way too short of a visit.  Even though we were only in Swift Current for four years I feel that I made life-long friends.
Later that day we travelled to Regina and saw the beautiful lights around Depot and enjoyed an evening at Cirque du Soliel (our Christmas gift to each other plus our cruise in February).

After loading up with groceries the next morning we drove back home to settle in for Christmas.  Oh and I have had a little visitor stop of the member's dog.  Isn't she a pretty girl?

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Mini Vacation

It is always so relaxing to have a few days away from.  Ron and I left yesterday morning for a long drive...anywhere away from Deschambault Lake is a long drive.  We drove five hours to Saskatoon with a short lunch stop in Prince Albert.

It was a beautiful drive.

Today we head to Swift is kind of like going home.  Can't wait to see some great friends.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

The Countdown is on...

The first week of -December is almost over.  This week brought a little more snow and lots of cold.  At the first of the week we bundled up and ventured outside in the minus thirty something to take advantage of our winter wonderland that surrounds us.

Down the hill, across the road, through the path and out onto the lake.

On our way back some of the local dogs scooted by us enjoying the sunshine.
When you are surrounded by snow you just have to enjoy it
After trying out the snow close to home we went to Flin Flon the next day for our weekly trip to load up on groceries.  We went for a loop around the Ski Club trails.  The snow wasn't quite as good but it was a pretty day.

To top off my week Jenn took her family for some Christmas pictures.  I love seeing their smiles.
So the first week of December comes to an end.  The lights are shining on the Christmas tree and Christmas carols play throughout the house.  My Christmas baking has filled trays and been delivered and are being enjoyed around our table.
I hope that you are enjoying your December....looking forward to week two as we head out for a mini-vacation.

Monday, 24 November 2014


Some days you just get that "ahhh" feeling.  As I sit in my favourite chair with a cup of tea I'm having that contented feeling.  It is a beautiful snowy day and I love looking past my decorated Christmas tree to see the snow gently falling.
I have an apple crisp in the oven and a roast ready to go in.  We have already been out for a nice crisp walk.  Tonight I will start working on my Christmas cards while I watch a Christmas movie.

Ahhh ...contentment.
Oh, and I received an email that said that it is only 90 days until my cruise.  

I hope you are having a great day too!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Hugs and Snuggles

Well I am back home and "enjoying" the snow and cold of northern Saskatchewan.  While in Ontario we had nice warm weather but I guess that has left them as well.  I thought I should post some brag pictures before I move unto the Christmas season.

I arrived in Ontario on the Sunday and was picked up at the airport by three grandchildren who had gone on a drive to pick up a "surprise."  It was so great to hear their excited voices and have Sarah just stare at me in disbelief.  I had it all planned on how to spend time with the little munchkins so I started out at Mom and Dad's with the two middle ones.
Emma and Jacob are the most active of the four.  Emma likes to play dollies and Jacob went looking for anything with wheels.  We went for lots of walks....teatime with Great Aunt Tina, a visit with Great Grandma and dinner at Swiss Chalet with Great Nana.

And at bedtime it was all three of us in a double bed.  I had a lot of feet in my face during the week.

I considered packing them away in the suitcase to bring them home but I thought that it might put me over the weight restriction.
Mom was able to find a great little "low" chair to help with meal time but the only problem was that they all wanted to give it a try.
On Wednesday Jenn came for supper and brought Sarah and Abbigail.  We took advantage of them all being there and tried to get some pictures but it is very difficult to get four children to look at the camera at the same time but I am sure that you can see the sweetness anyway.

Emma (3), Jacob (2), Abbigail (7 months), Sarah (5)
Jenn took Jacob and Emma home and left Sarah and Abby.  The house grew a lot quieter.  This was the first time that I had Abby without her mom and dad and oh, was that fun!  She is the sweetest, cuddliest, little sweetheart.  I think we bonded!

Okay, tell me you are not smiling when you see Abby's smile???
We did a little bit of Christmas looking in the stores with Sarah giving me ideas for her and her siblings.  We went for a few walks and had a visit with Great Grandma.  On Friday night we drove to Kingston to drop Abby off to her mom and then it was just Sarah and Nanny.  Well, we know what to do....SHOP!

The next few days consisted of more walks, visits, dinners with friends and lots and lots of reading.  I got my hair done a few times by my own personal hair stylist....sorry no pictures.  On Monday night I drove Sarah back to Kingston to meet her mom.  The car was very quiet back to Napanee.
Speed shopping began on Tuesday, first with Mom to get all the grandkids gifts and then Tuesday afternoon with Jenn.  Wednesday consisted of a full morning of wrapping gifts and leaving them postage necessary this year.  In the evening I boarded a flight in Kingston, had a couple of hours in Toronto and then back to Saskatoon. 
I'm glad that I had the time with the grandkids and since I have been home I have received a few facetime and phone calls. 
Now....onto Christmas preparations.
  • Decorating
  • Christmas cards and letter
  • Baking
  • Dinner planning
Oh the time goes by so fast! 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

On tHe Road Again

Since Ron is off to Regina for some training I thought I would take the trip with him.  A little bit of snow was still on the ground when we left yesterday morning to head six hours south.
We arrived at depot and spent the night there.  After a little swim we tried to sleep waiting for that 5:00 a.m. alarm.  Of course we were both awake before that.  Ron took me to the airport and I flew to Winnipeg.  This is where I am sitting until I catch my next flight to Ottawa to surprise three little grandchildren.  Can't wait!
Flying into the sunrise this morning.

Thursday, 30 October 2014


I know a lot of people really enjoy Halloween.  Some people decorate their houses and get all dressed up to hand out candy to the many children that come to the door that night.  Cobwebs hang from the front door.  Ghosts flutter in the wind in the trees.  Witches answer the door with candy in hand.

I must admit that it is not my favourite time of the year.  As I sit here tonight thinking about tomorrow night I'm thinking my costume could be a Hermit because my plan is to shut the lights out and lock the doors as soon as Ron goes to work.

Yes, I know the kids are cute and it is an exciting evening for them.  I remember having a couple of kids in our house a long time ago that loved to dress up and go door to door to fill their bags up with candy.
I just have this weird feeling about people disguising themselves.  Normally we would call the police if a strange being came to our door but on this night we reward them with candy and hope that behind their mask they are just having fun.  It is often a night when eggs are tossed at passing cars or windows are soaped.  Innocent mischief can turn into trouble for others.

I I the only person that feels like this?

I know a little trio that will be excited for the evening.

And why the house is dark I will be packing with a flashlight because I am headed to surprise these little goblins.  Yup, Ontario here I come!

Enjoy a safe Halloween and as for me, I will be glad when the evening is over.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Just An Old Sweater

There are many reasons that I love my husband but one of the biggest his is gentleness and compassion for those going through a hard time.  I think that is what made him such a great pastor and now, a good police officer.  Many times his "clients" will shake his hand after being released and thank him for treating them with respect.

Yesterday was one of those days that made me so proud of him all over again.  He called me and asked if I still has his blue sweater.  It was an old sweater that he has had a long time and refused to replace.  Recently the zipper was giving him trouble and so he had put it aside reluctantly.  Yes, I had the sweater and he came home to get it.  One of his clients had been to court and was told to leave the community.  Ron gave him a drive out of the village, gave him a sweater and bought him supper.  I don't know the details regarding this individual but I do know that Ron went the extra mile.  

And that is why I proudly wear this shirt.  He was my hero long before he was a police officer.

Monday, 20 October 2014

New Beginnings

I have always been excited about new things.  I once preached on this and gave the illustration of how I love getting a new calendar and looking at the monthly pictures and seeing all the pages so nice and clean.  When I was taking school courses it was exciting getting new books and getting ready to start learning. 

Then the calendar gets filled up and messed up.  Schedules are changed and scratched off.  The text books gets underlined (oh yes, Catherine I underline and highlight in my books...are you still my friend?)  Those new things brought work and sometimes frustration.  In the end, the courses were completed and it brought a lot of satisfaction.  The calendar included some great scheduled events...holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and just special times together.  The process seems to be:
  • New things - excitement
  • Process - frustration
  • Completion - satisfaction
Well today my daughter has a new beginning....she is back to college! 
I am so excited for her.  I know that this morning she was excited and nervous but she was ready to go.  I know that it will not be easy because having a family of four young children take up a lot of time but I am happy that she has the determination and drive to work hard to succeed.  One day at a time will get her to the goal of completion. 

Way to go Jenn!

Saturday, 18 October 2014


Well here we are in the middle of October already.  Time certainly is flying by.  The leaves are quickly falling.  The days are getting shorter and colder.  So what has been going on here?

Ron thankfully recovered from the pulled muscle in his back and is back to work.  It was very scary watching him in that much pain and it is good to see him back to normal (well, as normal as he ever gets.)

Last weekend I did the big Thanksgiving baking.  I started the pumpkin pie from scratch. 

It has been awhile since I have done it this way but the end result was well worth the extra time and effort. We had Thanksgiving dinner here with the boys and it was nice that a girlfriend and a wife came to visit so there were "girls" to chat with which meant more than cop talk all night.  And to make it more fun we hosted a dessert night one night and then the dinner the next night.
And my boys here once again made my day by bringing flowers.  
And that is why I keep feeding them!
There have been some great northern lights to enjoy for late night entertainment.
And I have been teaching a fair amount of time.  I even taught two periods of Cree...okay maybe I just wrote the words on the board and hoped that there weren't any questions.
It is interesting getting to know the kids and being out of the house a little more.  The other day Ron and I were walking and one of the little guys went by on his bike and said, "Hi, Mrs. Clark." which made both Ron and I laugh because they knew me and not him.

And I am not above bribing the kids to be good....cake, cookies....whatever it takes.

As for our posting for next news.  It is still a waiting game.  Ron has added extra places on his "wish list."  We will keep you posted when we know.