My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Happy Birthday Stephen!

I must admit that I struggled with tears as I scanned these pictures.  It's hard to believe that my baby is turning 23.
So many birthdays have come and gone.  There have been family dinners and many parties with friends.  There were all kinds of birthday celebrations:  hockey parties on the backyard rink, tobogganing parties, Sens & Raptor games, trips to Niagara Falls and even a Sesame Street Live Play and of course ALWAYS a cake.

2nd Birthday
3rd Birthday
4th Birthday
Frankford Friends plus Jason

Lots of things changed in those years....our address has changed, friends have changed, birthday celebrations changed and of course my hair has changed. 

There are some things that have always stayed the same:
Stephen's love for....Adventure!

Stephen's love of....Nature!

Stephen's love for animals and especially Curley

Stephen's love for money (and his big dislike of loans)
Stephen's love for his family, especially his nieces and nephew
And the best thing about Stephen that will never change is that he will always be my baby (even if he is 23) and he still has the best smile that can warm my heart. more thing:

Happy Birthday Stephen!  Love you lots!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I forgot our babies were only 2 weeks apart in age!! Happy Birthday to your boy!

Hmmmm...I don't know who the bottom left guy nor the bottom right guy is in the comparisons. Should I? Are they actors?

Stephen has a little bit of the Tom Cruise going on.

xo Catherine