One week can pass so quickly and with so many different events, emotions and places that it can leave your head spinning. Here is a quick pictorial view of Moving Week.
Sunday....Church in the morning, church picnic in the afternoon which included a water baptismal service. Being in ministry with my husband for 19 years I had found myself being a part of many things but never had I baptized anyone. I felt honoured to be asked and very nervous at the same time. Once it was all done I was very happy to have been a part of this special event in Casey's life. She is a special young lady.
Following that time we sorted, organized and tried to be prepared for the week ahead.
Monday....Another work day and a special walk through the park with some of my favourite ladies (and one gent joined us on this day). I will miss these times. Catherine from cornerofcatsmind took me out for a special farewell lunch. It was so nice to sit and enjoy a quiet lunch with a very good friend. She gave me a wonderful gift that will always remind me of our "tea walks."
Tuesday.... Packing day. Three ladies arrived at our house and began to wrap, box and sticker everything.
But since I didn't have to be there I found something much more important for me to do! There are priorities!
A couple of Ron's partners stopped in the evening to say goodbye and my good friend, Lynne stopped and helped me pack some things that the ladies didn't pack. Oh, so many's hard!
We moved into the Best Western for the evening and met our Pastor and his family for icecream, more hugs and more goodbyes. I wonder if I am cried out yet?

Wednesday... Last day of work, more goodbyes. Cake, hugs, gifts and a surprise visit from a special friend/boss who retired a few months ago. And I threw in a little bit of training!
Nope, still not cried out! Although it was funny listening to the CEO read Catherine's farewell words put to the tune of Carley Ray Jepson's "Call Me Maybe" song.

It is amazing that all your household belongings, including a garage and shed full can be loaded into one truck.....surely it will all fit in the house that we are moving to???

Kind of interesting watching men say goodbye. Notice my pictures with my friends and how close I am keep their distance and their composure. I guess that is good. I just keep a Kleenex close by!
And off we go....into the sunset....away from life as we knew and unto a whole new adventure! this still just one week? We loaded up our truck with groceries, supplies and anything that we could think of. We still had 5 hours to drive and the nearest grocery store to us will be 1 1/2 hours. Yes, I was checking my list more than once and hoping that I didn't forget anything. Oh wait, one more thing to add to our purchases!

We arrived at our new home in the evening, slept on the floor and awaited the arrival of our furnishings.
Friday....The truck arrived around 11:00 a.m. Two young, strong men begin to carry boxes and furniture into the house with us giving instruction on where to put everything. The house filled up! Once the truck was empty and the house was full, they began to assemble furniture and by 7:30 p.m. they were on their way....leaving us with a bed to sleep in and a mountain of boxes to unpack.
Saturday....The end of a very busy week. Let me see, what should I do? Where should I start?
Before and after pictures to follow....I think I need to lie down! Reliving that week was exhausting.
Glad to hear you arrived safe and sound. Looks like you have a job ahead of you.......excited to see the before and after pics, good thing you are not working!! Michele
What a week you had! And hooray for getting reconnected with the world through internet! Your new kitchen looks nice and bright. Good to see out the windows watching the 'action' around town. LOL!
And how happy I am that you did call me last night. Loved talking to you and catching up a bit. We will do it again soon.
Keep happy and safe my friend!
xo Catherine
Hurray for a successful move! Hope the unpacking goes quickly, and you find yourself settled soon.
Oh, Penny!!! What an upheaval but HOW exciting!!! Phew!
Courage and joy and peace to you!! =)
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