Okay, I knew it would come. It just had to. I mean after you talk about the weather, your health, your husband's job....it just has to come. Actually I was asking myself the question before we moved.
So, what are you doing to fill your days?

Yes, that's the question. This is the first time in my married life that I have not worked at least one job or had children around the house to look after. So, like others, I wondered what would I do to fill my time.
Well, up to this point I haven't had a problem. First there was the mountains of boxes to remove from the house and lets just say that takes a fair amount of time especially when you are trying to move a garage and shed into your house along with all the regular furnishings.

And then there is the regular house cleaning duties that never ends. Somehow there is always dust finding its way into the house. The floors need to be cleaned. Laundry still has to be done and there are always dishes....and now no dishwasher.

We have taken time to walk around the community and take part or watch events that are happening.
And we have tried to keep up on our exercise....
Walking |
Indoor Exercise |
Canoeing |
And then there is always the crafts that I would like to work on and actually have time to complete:

Seven RCMP spouses are working on Circle Journals. We each pick a theme, work on the journal and send it to the next person to complete their scrapbooking page. They then forward to the next person until all seven have entered the information and it comes back to the original person.
Not too mention all the other scrapbooking projects I want to do....like for three grandchildren!
I also started knitting a baby blanket just to give me something to do when we are following The Amazing Race or keeping up to date with America Has Talent.
And then of course there is always baking....oh I have made lots of things: cookies, pies, squares, cakes. With my husband having three single partners I think they appreciate some homemade goodies.
And a delivery during a shift.
So, what do I do to fill up my days? I don't seem to have a problem. The question is what should I do first? My blog, my facebook scrabble games....catch up on email from friends? Or what about all those books that I want to read and never had time before? Oh, and I forgot to mention that I am still doing a little bit of long distance training for the job that I just left and I need to remember to register for my fall courses.
The question doesn't seem to be so much what do I do but what should I do first....and I guess I picked doing my blog.
And maybe, just maybe some days I may just choose to do nothing at all.
How are you filling your day?