Ron and I sat in church yesterday. He turned to me and said "Ten years ago today was my last day of pastoring."
I remember that Sunday so well. Our church family in Frankford expressed their love to us and they will always be in our hearts.
How did this whole strange journey start? That's too long of a story for a blog but 10 years ago our lives changed. From that handshake in Kingston to welcome Ron into the brotherhood of the Mounties, it's been interesting..
We had to keep the whole process a secret until Ron was accepted because we didn't really know where it would end up. As the time was getting closer Ron tried to give little hints on the church sign.
Real Christians Must Pray.....RCMP
God Remains Constant....GRC
He's a tricky guy! When Ron whispered that to me in church, we didn't really have time to think about it because right at that moment the Pastor asked Ron to serve communion. God is faithful to continue to let us minister in small ways. We are not full time pastors but our hearts are still for His people and we are eager to serve in whatever way we can.
So in 10 years....Ron has been posted to 5 different postings, he has been promoted from Constable to Corporal. We have found a church family in each place a Pentecostal church in Swift Current, an Alliance church in Flin Flon, an Evangelical Free in Three Hills and now back to Pentecostal here in Pincher Creek.
10 years! It came and went so fast. In the next 10 years we will be deciding on where to retire and will hopefully be sitting somewhere looking at each other and say....20 years ago today was our last day of pastoring, now let's go to church and worship with our church family. Hmmm....I wonder where that will be?