My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Settling in...and it's about time!

It seems like it has taken me longer to settle in our home here.  My good friend, Cheryl says that I have lots of reasons for that but finally it is feeling like home.  Last week the final touches were done in the basement and we were able to get the furniture back in place.  Yesterday, I put up Christmas decorations, sorted bins and cleaned the house.  I thought it would be a good time to take pictures and share what my home looks like.

When you walk in the front door you enter the kitchen which opens up into the living room.

The living room looks out over the prairie and a wonderful curvy train track which I love.  My last living room overlooked the detachment.

Walking in the front door of the house you see the kitchen and living room and if you go to the left you find an L shaped hallway.  The first door leads you to my laundry space and a door into the garage.
It is so nice having a garage again and the truck and motorcycle fit in quite nicely.

When you continue down the hall you find our messy little office, "Sarah's" bedroom and bathroom.

At the end of the hall is our bedroom.  There is a door that leads out of the bedroom to the deck that runs the whole length of the house.  We have an en-suite and a walk in closet.

Back down the hall towards the kitchen is the stairs to the recroom and more bedrooms.

It is quite a multipurpose area and lots of room for us to exercise and relax.  Behind the exercise equipment are the storage and furnace rooms.  These rooms still need some attention but I thought I would share them as well so you get the whole picture of the house.

At the other end of the recroom are our guests rooms.  There are two bedrooms with a bathroom and a nice little area in between.

Yes, our house is starting to feel like our home.  Still some boxes to unpack but I have time.  I'm sure we won't move for a couple of years anyway.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Counting Down

It is always fun to have something to look forward to and it seems like there is lots to count down for us right now.

  • 85 days until our next thinking about fun in the sun!
  • 35 days until Christmas.
  • 28 days until Stephen's graduation.  That will be exciting and a very proud moment for us.
  • 19 days until we fly to Vancouver Island to spend the weekend with my sister and her husband.
  • 4 days until I pull out the Christmas decorations and decorate a new house. 
  • a few hours until we go to Stephen's for the weekend.  We are packing cross country skis because it looks like there will be great snow to get some exercise in.
  • a few minutes until lunch...time to eat, pack and hit the road.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2....1!  Time to get going!

Saturday, 14 November 2015

41 Days Until Christmas

I love Christmas!  I like the lights, the decorations, wrapping gifts and writing cards.  I enjoy just going into the malls and seeing the glitter and sparkle of decorations.  I have already researched the best Chrismas light tours around our area.  A few weeks ago I went to Red Deer for a Chrismas market but I was excited  about going to a Christmas market at Spruce Meadows.
We had no idea what to expect but we were excited about the day and we were not disappointed.  With tea in hand we found the area.  The grounds were amazing.  It is an equestrian facility that hosts many competitions throughout the year.  When we walked into the main building we were greeted not by horses in the stalls but reindeer. 

Rows and rows of lights lined the ceiling of the complex.  Stall after stall
and booth after booth we toured the whole area.

From locally made treats and crafts to international finds we strolled through the converted barn.   Along the way we sampled chocolate, fudge, soups, cheese and anything else that was offered to us.  I even had my shoes shined..good thing i wore leather ones.  Along the way carollers were either singing on stage or strolling along the aisles.

We thought we would only be there a couple of hours but we used the entire afternoon.  We were definitely put into the Christmas spirit.  With our purchases hanging off our arms we headed back to the vehicle but just had to stop for a memory picture.

On our way through the city we stopped for a nice dinner and snow began to lightly fall.  As I drove out of Calgary Christmas lights were being turned on.  Yes, Christmas is in the air and so this morning I will take down my fall decorations, put them away and wait patiently for a couple of weeks to get the Christmas decorations out.  In the mean time I will make some Christmas shopping lists, work on a Christmas letter and maybe even listen to Christmas music.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Life in Alberta

Living in Isolation for the last two years was an interesting experience.  I can quickly list our visitors from outside our immediate area...Bruce, Lynne and Brad from Swift Current, three of our grandchildren: Sarah, Emma and Jacob and Stephen with his RCMP friend, Andrew.

Life is different here.  It has been very interesting having so many people coming to visit.  We have had family and friends from Ontario, church friends from Swift Current, and Stephen and his friends from the surrounding area.  It has been wonderful but we have missed our Deschambault Lake family.  The boys had been regulars around our table, helped us celebrate special occasions and had played hours of games.  I missed Denise texting or calling asking for sour cream or some other forgotten grocery item.  There was a closeness there that will never be recreated or forgotten.

Thankfully we have Facebook to keep in touch with each other and to share a laugh at a memory.  But, this week we had a special treat when one of our boys was coming to Calgary for a visit.  We were thrilled when Dan and Tiffany decided to take some time to come and visit us.
It was so great to see them, hear about their new experiences and to feed them!  Of course we had to pull the Catan game out and recreate some of those special times.   I am happy to report that I won two out of three games....just like old times.  (Not quite, but it's my blog)

Yes, Three Hills is a great place to live and it looks like it is a wonderful place to visit too.  For reservations please get in contact with me!

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The Things I have in Common with Stephen Harper

I'm not really that political but I found a big similarity with the outgoing prime minister this morning when I saw the headlines so I thought it would be a good time for a blog.

First of all we are both in our 50's.  We are both rather "conservative."  He has a super supportive spouse and two children...a boy and a girl.  So we connect in our family life.

I live close to Calgary which is his home riding but we were both born and raised in Ontario.  We have lived in a company home before (perhaps a parsonage is a little different then Sussex Drive but just go with me.). So again I understand the moving out of a home that belongs to someone else.

But the biggest thing is the headline this morning.
Yup, Stephen Harper resigned today and so did I!  Okay, maybe he hasn't done it three times but this time I thought if Stephen Harper calls it quits I might as well do it too.  Effective today I am retired or until something else comes up.  I'm wondering if Stephen and I might get together soon to discuss our future plans.

So any other similarities...we both wear glasses.  He has grey hair....nope not the same there.  (Checked the calendar, hair appointment tomorrow).  

Happy retirement Stephen Harper.  I'm going to clean the house, knit or read.  What will you be doing?