- all vehicles in Saskatchewan come with a block heater. It's standard. In Ontario, it is something additional that you pay to have put in your vehicle. Once you have lived through a winter here, you know why.
- when you have a motorcycle and want to go for a little ride....you go out of the city on the one paved road and return the same way. In Ontario, we lived in the city of Quinte West where the mayor at the time made it his campaign to make every road in his jurisdiction paved. That included many country roads. We could drive in all directions for many miles all on paved roads and never use the same road twice.
- Saskatchewan people are friendly! When you walk down the street and say hi. If you don't, they may think you are from Ontario. Sorry Ontario people but I have noticed a real difference in this province. It might be that there are just over 1,000,000 people reside in this province or it could be that they are just friendly people. Whatever it is, I like it.
- If you are not a football fan you really feel left out during that season and if you happen to be a fan and not a Roughriders fan...run! We actually did flash backs to see the score for the Grey Cup game...is that what it is called?
- Bunny hug: A hooded fleece top that is either a pull over or has a front zipper. Elsewhere it's a hoodie. This is my personal favourite.
- Grid Road: A dirt road that has a gravel top. It is so named because the roads were developed in a grid pattern. We call these country roads, back roads, or gravel roads.
- P.A.: The short form of the city of Prince Albert. I always thought it stood for Pennsylvania.
- Speedy Creek: A nickname for the city of Swift Current.
- Supper: The evening meal. Dinner refers to lunch or the meal served at noon hour. Good thing to remember if you are inviting someone for dinner....it means noon time. We call this lunch.
- Semi: a transport truck....we can them transports????
- Quad: An all-terrain vehicle, 4 wheel recreational vehicle. We call them 4-wheelers. I guess this could apply to most vehicles.
- Coulee: small valley. We call it a valley.
- Slough: an area of soft, muddy ground. In other words a swamp.
You might notice why the tree is a recognizable landmark....not too many trees around. So the tradition is honk as you go by. Saskatchewan is growing on me much more than the trees are growing in the south. I think I will grab my bunny hug and do my school work.