It was a tradition. It was a must. For many years Thanksgiving was about going to my Dad's Hunting camp with my family. It wasn't much of a building to go to but it was surrounded by the most amazing colours.
It wasn't about the turkey dinners because many times we had hamburgers.
It wasn't about the fancy place setting because the setting was pretty rustic.
But it was about family and friends getting together and enjoying the beauty around us.

For some of us it was about walking miles through the trails. There is nothing like feeling the fall leaves crunch under your feet or running to try and catch one of the many falling leaves. I loved walking with my mom and visiting with her and then getting back to the camp to enjoy a cup of tea made on the old wood stove.

Of course not everyone liked to walk.
Over the years there were different 4 wheelers, different dirt bikes, different friends that came with us but we always enjoyed lots of fresh air and fun.
The last time we went to the hunting camp was in 2008 and then we moved two provinces away and haven't been back over Thanksgiving since. This year my dad and his brothers-in-laws sold the hunting camp. Now it is just a wonderful memory of many happy times.
This year my mom will be hosting Thanksgiving at her house. I won't be there. Ron's mom will be hosting at her apartment as well and we will miss that too. We will be having 7 around our table, no family, but we will still enjoy some laughs and hopefully some good food.
It's times like these that I do miss home!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody and especially to Mom and Dad, my mother-in-law, Donna and to Jenn and her family and Stephen.
We love you and miss you!