My blog

A little bit about me and a lot about the things we do.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Four years...lots of changes

In four short years....
  • We moved from Ontario to Saskatchewan
  • Went from a mini van and motorcycle to car and motorcycle to just a truck
  • And in the process of moving once again
  • Our son moved from Ontario to Alberta and is in the process of moving to the Yukon
  • Went from "being young" to being grandparents of 3
All in four years!

Things that stayed the same....
  • Still married to the same old guy :)
  • Still have the same hair colour (okay, maybe not....I don't remember what my hair colour was four years ago???)
  • Still have a sense of humour (that will come in handy over the next couple of years)
  • Still like to check in on my friends (even if it is through facebook or blogs)
  • Still have the same cell phone (not too many people can say that!)

Hmmmm....I wonder what will happen in the next four years or even two years? 
Life is certainly interesting!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The Count Down

7 - Only 7 more days until we move... I have enjoyed living in Swift Current.  I have liked our home, our church, my work, the many trips we took and the many great friends that I made.  I will miss the deck where I sit to read and all the great walking trails but especially my wonderful friends.

5 - Only 5 more days to work ...4 years ago I was privileged enough to find a great place to work.  I learned lots, was given many great opportunities and made new friends

3 - Only 3 more tea walks...I have so enjoyed my Tea Time Walks (and no, I don't mean golf).  Catherine from cornerofcatsmind has become more than a tea partner.  She has been a co-worker, confidant, friend and now my blog mentor.  I will miss our talks and walks but I know that we will continue to be blog friends

Soon it will be down to ONE....the last night in the house, the last day to work, the last church service.  Moving is hard.  I will never get use to it but I do know that I have met many wonderful people along the way.  Friends that will be forever friends and if I hadn't said goodbye to all my great friends from the other places that I lived I would never had gotten to meet my friends here.  So...moving is bittersweet.  Saying goodbye hurts but having the privilege of meeting new friends and seeing new places is exciting. 

And so I may pack my things (okay, maybe I don't pack) and move away but I will keep all my friends in my heart.  I will shed tears as I leave and remember you with smiles throughout the years. 

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

My blog is brought to you today by the letter F

Saturday night we went to a FIRE at our FRIENDS, the FRIESEN'S where we had FOOD cooked on the FIRE.  Normally hot dogs are not in my diet but who can resist a wienie cooked over the open FLAMES.  And then for dessert....s'mores.  Gooey toasted marshmallow with a good chunk of chocolate surrounded by chocolate wafer cookies. 

I think it is a real good thing that the ellipticals were on sale this week or I may end up FAT.

On Sunday our church FAMILY blessed us with a going away gift.  It was a perfect gift depicting our last four years and FRAMED beautifully.
 And then last night I had some FRIENDS over for some FOOD and FUN and one of them even had the last name FUNK

It was a FANTASTIC evening!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Honouring Dad!

Our church asked us for memories of our fathers and I forwarded the email on to Jenn and Stephen and they responded with great thoughts about Ron that I wanted to share.

Stephen wrote:

The thing that comes to mind the most for me is swimming across the lake with dad when I was young. I always tried my best but couldn't always go as far but I always had dad to grab onto. He always said just keep kicking and doing the best you can. I always know to this day that no matter what I do that I always have dad to count on if I need a hand with anything I work at.

Jenn wrote:  Driving to Kingston tonight the radio was on but I wasn't really
paying attention until the song by George strait came on called "love without end amen". That song reminds me of dad and how he's not always been happy with the way things have gone in my life but has been supportive and always reminds
me that he's just a phone call away. Although we don't talk that much or see each other much, the saying that a father is a daughters hero and first love is true. As much as dad drove me crazy or embarrassed me when we
went on trips by trying on the goofy hats or jumping around like a kid, all those camping trips he forced me on, and driving me crazy with his OCD of making sure the van was spotless every morning. I'm proud to be able to call him my dad and am proud of the newest adventure he has taken, all to pursue a dream he has had since he was 19! I love u dad! Happy Father's Day to the best dad/grandpa Ron ever!!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

24 years ago...

Our lives changed forever.  After 6 years of marriage we went from a couple to being a family.  Our lives were blessed with:

And just in time for Father's Day!  Ron was the proudest dad that first Father's Day.  We fell in love with our precious princess that special day.
24 years later and we couldn't love our little girl any less!
Happy Birthday Jenn!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Things that make me smile....

Opening up my facebook and seeing the most beautiful picture of my daughter and her three precious children.

  • Hearing my son so excited about a new job opportunity.

Having a wonderful visit with church friends over dinner and then having a (retired) friend from work make a special stop to see me. Thanks Cathy!

What makes you smile?

Saturday, 8 June 2013

The road...does it take me away or lead me to?

Last Saturday we drove to see what our new life would be like for the next two years....we saw a bear, a fox and some deer along the road.  We saw our new house and met Ron's new partners. 

In some ways this road feels like the divider between what life is like now to what it will be for the next two years.  Our car was not happy with the dusty grid road and so we came home and made the trade for our first truck ever.  I am sure it will help us get to where we need to go much better than the car.

No longer will we look from our back deck to see the creek or the  prairies and the great walking paths but this back yard is surrounded by trees.  It is quite private and I am sure it will be a wonderful place to read and enjoy the quiet moments that I am sure to have.

And when Ron has the time off I am sure we will once again find ourselves in the canoe exploring the lake that surrounds us.  There will be many new places to see, new people to meet and so maybe today, I see that road that takes me away from my life here; but it also leads to a new adventure.  Big breath....I'm ready.